Study in Canada Vs Study in India - After Bachelors from India

Studying Masters in Canada Diverse from Studying Masters in India Systems for master's education vary from country to country. Some Master's programmes are delivered in a variety of ways, while others have a more varied curriculum. This blog discusses how pursuing a master's degree in India can differ from pursuing one in Canada.
  • Culture: India is frequently referred to as a blending pot of different cultures, traditions, and holidays. India is a country rich in ethnic variety and home to many different religions. In India, holidays like Ganesh Chaturthi, Eid, Christmas, etc. are joyfully observed. Despite being somewhat traditional, locals are very kind and treat visitors with the utmost friendliness. Canada's culture is a fusion of fine cuisine, beautiful architecture, and a just society. It is frequently praised that Canadian culture is highly progressive, diversified, and multicultural. The Canadian government actively encourages multiculturalism and places a strong emphasis on a civil society. 
  • Masters Education System: The master’s education system in India is very strict, requiring that students complete all of their coursework. These courses cannot be skipped by a student, and extracurricular activities and physical education are given less weight while mathematics, physics, and chemistry are given more. However, the master's degree structure in Canada is adaptable. Each master’s course at Canadian universities is given a set number of credits; students must obtain these credits. Students choose from a variety of master’s courses that their department of studies offers each semester. Additionally, they get to pick their own course load, which generally ranges from two to six per semester. They gain more credits and graduate more quickly if they take more master's courses each semester. Students thus have the opportunity to create a curriculum that is tailored to their preferences. 
  • Grading System: In India, the student's grade is typically determined by what portion of the total marks they received. For maximum points on examinations and exams, students are taught textual material and are required to provide their answers exactly as they are provided in the textbooks. In Canada, the grading scheme varies from province to province. There are numerous provinces in Canada, including Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. In Alberta, for instance, grades range from A to D, but in British Columbia, they are A, B, C+, C, C-, F, I, W, and P. 
  • Universities: India is badly ranked in the world for master's education, coming in at 131st place out of 188 nations. In India, theoretical education is prioritized over practical education. Despite this, India has some of the top medical and engineering universities, including the University of Delhi, the Indian Institute of Technology, and the Indian Institute of Science. Canada has recently emerged as the educational leader, and several reputable universities have grown there. The best universities in Canada include University of Toronto, which came in at number 25, McGill University, which came in at number 31, and University of British Columbia, which came in at number 45. 
  • Student Life: With 1.5 billion inhabitants, India is the second-most populated nation in the world. India has a highly high population compared to the amount of seats available at each educational institution; hence students are raised to be exceedingly competitive. Every exam is thought to be quite significant, and living expenses in India are very affordable when combined with tuition costs. Canada has a very active student culture, and its students are warm and accepting. Every day, many people also speak French and English. Since students select all of their own courses, there is little required reading. On campus, events like parties and gatherings are frequent. Students mingle, dance, and generally have a good time. Students at Canadian universities are known for their vibrant after-hours clubs and extracurricular activities. Overall, Canadian university life is vibrant and well-balanced.
Further Differences amid Master’s in Canada vs. Master’s in India – Comprehensive Study Guide Are you undecided between a master's degree from Canada or India? The distinctions between master's degrees earned in Canada and India are listed below. Read the contents and apply for a Master's degree in either Canada or India. An international Master's degree demonstrates one's ability to thrive and achieve in a venture outside of one's comfort zone and also provides global recognition, regardless of whether a student is training for Engineering, Medicals, Business, or Law. In this blog, a comparison of the key distinctions between earning a master's degree in India and earning one in Canada has been done.
  • Global Career Opportunities Given: The Master's programme in Canada may open doors to employment opportunities in countries like India. A greater compensation package is also demanded for international degrees! In order to help graduates obtain a position in their country, Canada also provides a one-year extension on the student visa. A student becomes less reliant on their family after finishing their studies because they may work and make money to pay off their student loans, if any. 
  • Exploration of a New Culture: In addition to a diversified academic environment, studying abroad in Canada exposes you to unexpected traditions, new languages, various cultural experiences, and unusual customs. The ability to explore new landscapes, natural marvels, museums, and sites in your host country as well as the surrounding nations is one of the advantages of pursuing a master's degree in Canada. 
  • Greater Research Opportunities: The financing and resources provided in Canada are far superior to those in India. When applying for research opportunities in Canada, students who have previously completed their master's degree abroad are given precedence. Most of the students finish their research and remain in those universities as professors. Some graduates take up teaching positions or work at relevant companies in India, where they are given first priority. Additionally, there are other funding options available to researchers in Canada. 
  • Acceleration of Personal Development: One's autonomous personality is particularly brought out by a master's in Canada. Students who immediately leave for Canada to pursue their studies become explorers of the new country they have entered. Being in a new place puts a test on your capacity to adjust to a variety of circumstances and find solutions. Such lessons learned at a young age will help you succeed in life and work. 
  • Lesser Competition: Many students who want to pursue a Master's degree at a Canadian university do so because they would rather avoid India's often aggressively competitive educational environment. In India, there are a disproportionately large number of candidates compared to available seats. Some applicants may benefit from less competition since they work best in a laid-back setting. 
  • Exposure to Practical Application: In contrast to Canada, where the emphasis on theoretical and practical knowledge is much more balanced, postgraduate programmes are primarily theoretical in nature in India. Early exposure to the practical application of concepts in well-equipped labs and research facilities ensures a student's holistic growth. 
  • One-on-One Teaching & Learning: Professors in Canadian colleges are more like mentors; they are approachable and eager to support students in finding solutions to problems, whether they are academically related or not. The philosophy of fostering a supportive learning environment forms the foundation of the educational culture in Canadian universities. Students receive individualized instruction because to the small class sizes. 
  • Working While Pursuing Master’s: While studying, Canadians have the chance to earn work experience that can eventually lead to permanent status through programmes like express entry. Indian students who graduate from Canadian universities are frequently granted post-study work permits, which assist in recouping study abroad expenses and gaining international employment experience. 
  • New Fields and Areas of Study Offered: Canadian universities give students a fantastic opportunity to select unusual courses like Geophysics, Game Design, and Development, which are not widely offered in Indian universities. There aren't many qualified professors and research facilities, even when they are accessible, to let students have a well-rounded educational experience. 
  • Teaching Financial Independence: Parents can transfer college fees straight from India. But the student must manage living expenses on a daily basis. This requires the student to be more financially independent and responsible as they must open and manage a bank account on their own in Canada, create a monthly budget that includes expenses for food and rent, and keep their debit or ATM cards as well as their currencies. 
  • Teaching Emotional Stability: A postgraduate student who may still be in his or her teen years might study in Canada with confidence. The learner gains the ability to overcome homesickness and become versatile and dynamic in their daily lives. Students who are studying in Canada usually practice self-discipline since they are aware of the high stakes involved and want to do well. 
  • Honing Language Skills: Studying in Canada ensures that one's linguistic abilities will advance. Your host university will probably offer language classes to give you a more formal education in addition to the significant amount of language practice you will acquire in daily life. So, one can learn a language in its own country!  Top Courses in India vs. Top Courses in Canada India
  • Business Administration
  • Computer Application
  • Engineering
  • Fashion, Web and Interior Designing
  • Mass Communication or Journalism
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Education
  • Commerce


  • Business and Finance
  • Information Technology
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Media
  • Journalism
  • Actuarial Science
  • Data Analysis
  • Agricultural Studies

Eligibility Criteria for Master’s Degree in India vs. Eligibility Criteria for Master’s Degree in Canada

  • Recognized University's Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Clearance of Entrance Exams like CAT, AMUEE, JNUEE, etc.
  • Personal Interview or Group Discussions (According to the University) Canada
  • At least 16 years of Education Having Minimum GPA of 3.0 in Bachelors
  • English Proficiency Proof like IELTS (6.5 or more bands)
  • GMAT/GRE Scores (Minimum Dependent Upon the University)
  • Financial Support Proof
  • Canadian Student Permit Eligibility

Working While Study in India vs. Working While Study in Canada

  • India: In India, you don't need permission from the school to work during class hours or complete an internship. You ought to be able to balance employment and school without your work having an impact on your GPA. 
  • Canada: When comparing jobs while studying, India and Canada both come out on top. A Canadian student visa permits you to employment in Canada, whether it be on or off school. However, if you are receiving financial aid and must maintain a minimum grade each semester, make sure you are capable of managing both before beginning work.

Pros of Studying in Canada

  • Career Benefits: When compared to an MBA from an Indian college, having an MBA from a reputed institution is unquestionably a huge benefit. This does not disparage the MBA programmes provided by schools in India. Employers, however, prefer to hire applicants who have earned a degree in Canada and have relevant job experience over those who have earned the same degree and have comparable work experience in India.
Students will also have the opportunity to find a position that is relevant in Canada while they are studying there. If they possess the necessary credentials, Canada permits international students to stay in the country for up to three years. You may undoubtedly anticipate receiving a better salary back home once you've earned your degree and gained some professional experience. Cons of Studying in Canada
  • Bank Loan: Bank loans must be repaid, and a guarantor is needed for loans with a higher loan value. You should be open with your family while discussing the benefits and drawbacks of choosing an education loan. You can apply for a loan if you are convinced your family can manage it without having a material impact on your budget. It will only take a few years before your chances of finding a high-paying career increase.
Don't forget to check with several banks to get the cheapest rate on your student loan. Even a 0.25 percent variation in the interest rate or an additional year before you start repaying your loan might have a substantial impact.

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